Showing posts with label Sex-Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sex-Education. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Sex Education: Between The Liberals And Puritans

Without trying to be sarcastic or attempting to be intellectually mischievous, I am often confused about the usage of the terms “sex education” and “intimateity education,” which I often find being used interchangeably in most academic literatures and advocacy resources of a good number of our reputable NGOs.

Sex education is broadly defined as instruction on issues relating to human intimateity, including intimate anatomy, intimate reproduction, intimate activity, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, abstinence and birth control. The term, “sex education,” may have been adopted from the more liberal developed countries where issues relating to intimate activity are freely discussed for a lot of our advocacy programmes in reproductive health. Read More Below...


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