Wednesday, 23 March 2016

2015/2016 UNILAG Distance Learning Institute (DLI) Screening

We are to inform all that the Distance Learning Institute, University of Lagos Screening of 2015/2016 applicants has been scheduled to hold from Monday, March 21 to Wednesday, March 30, 2016 (excluding Public Holidays). Applicants are to come in batches and are expected to print two (2) copies of the screening Slip.

Below are the guidelines for checking and printing Screening Slip from
DLI portal:

1. Log on to
2. Click the screening for 2015/2016 on the Home page
3. Read the information and click on Proceed
4. Supply your Application number and click on OK
5. Print out 2 copies of screening slip
6. Bring a copy of the slip to the screening venue on the indicated date

For enquiries kindly visit 


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