We NigerianEdu.com is glad to inform all concerned candidates who registered for the 2015/2016 post-UTME screening exercise of the Osun State Polytechnic Iree that the date for the screening has been announced.
The screening will hold February 23rd 2016
Time 10:am
Candidates are to can print their screening venue via this
link http://www.ireepolyosun-ng.com/postume-retrieve-centre.php
For those who would like to retrieve their PIN, they can do so via http://www.ireepolyosun-ng.com/postume-retrieve-pins.php
The screening will hold February 23rd 2016
Time 10:am
Candidates are to can print their screening venue via this
link http://www.ireepolyosun-ng.com/postume-retrieve-centre.php
For those who would like to retrieve their PIN, they can do so via http://www.ireepolyosun-ng.com/postume-retrieve-pins.php