Sunday, 11 October 2015

University Don Advocates Exclusive Breastfeeding For Infants

Prof Seline delivering her lecture

Speaking strongly on exclusive breast feeding. Women breast milk has been identified as the best form of food for infants as it is a building process that ensures that infants get all the required nutrients needed daily.
This was the crux of the 74th Inaugural lecture of the University of Jos, delivered by Prof Selina Nnuaku Okolo, Prof of Paediatrics, titled “Faulty Foundation: The effect on the building”,at the Multi purpose Auditorium, Bauchi road campus, Unijos.
Prof Celine, who began her lecture by inviting a  7 year old kid, asked him to open the floor with various recitations and poems.
seline okolo
Prof Okolo said the content of the mothers milk  determines the quality of the milk which the baby consumes, and therefore, asked that mothers ensure they eat the right balanced nutrition so as to build their babies well and strong.
She further explained that she was influenced into the field of Pediatrics as she observed that the mystery in the growth and development was a thing that needed to be carefully studied as the foundation determines the strength of a building.
Prof Selina Okolo further maintained that the foundation of human building starts with how structurally fit they are in terms of nutritional foundation and quality of nutrients a child gets, as well as how suitable and clean the environment is.

prof seline
Prof Seline delivering her lecture
She further laid more emphasis on the girl child, explaining that the ratio and quality of the diet both micro and macro nutrients offered to the unborn child, determines how well she turns out.
Using coloured pictures of infants, she illustrated how very well fed children look like and the response to the environment around them, compared to the ones who are denied exclusive breastfeeding.
Prof Nnuaku therefore called for a more diversified diet for both nursing mothers and infants, explaining that malnutrition goes a long way in posing great dangers to the building of a child’s system.She also urged parents to remould the nutritional foundation of their kids so as to have a well functional brain and mindset.
”In this era of change, looking at the current situation, there is an urgent need to understand and support the young child’s nutritional needs,” she said.
Meanwhile, the Vice Chancellor Administration, who represented the Vice Chancellor, Professor Hayward Babale Mafuyai, said it is a joy to have someone talk more about infants and recognising the role of proper nutritional foundation in the building of a child.
Prof Selina Okol, was thereafter, given an award by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Prof Theresa Nmadu, as a memorial for her inaugural lecture.
Prof Seline Okolo
Prof Seline Okolo recieving the plaque from the DVC Admins, pRof Theresa Nmadu
There were dignitaries from within and outside the university community. In attendance were the Deans, Heads of Departments, Professors, Lecturers, students, well wishers and friends of the lecturer, as well as her family.

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