Friday, 17 July 2015

Rules for Making Important Decisions As A Person

Decision making is a part of our every day lives. Inevitably, we all have to make decisions, some could be more important than others. Making important decisions like when to get married, choosing a career path, quitting your job or finding a new one etc. can create a lot of tension. In such moments remaining indecisive seems to be a better option but it isn’t. The goal of every decision is to make a choice that the positive outcome can outweigh possible losses. I have here 7 things that will help you in making critical decisions; 1. Consider Your State of Mind: The process of making an important decision should be rational and logical. That means that we are to make these decisions when we are in the right frame/state of mind. Don’t make any significant or important decisions when you are tired, stressed out, emotionally unstable or excited. 2. Do not Be Sentimental: Like I have pointed out earlier

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